The Pub League returned to Brigg and returned to the refurbished and welcoming Black Bull. Thanks to Pete, formerly of the Parish, who produced courses which were suitable for all levels of ability and fitness. He cleverly had 3 clusters of controls enticing competitors into each with good route choice. It was agreed the optimum changeover point was the NW corner and running shapes of C's, S's and Z's rather than O's, D's or Q's was the best strategy, whilst collecting the first batch of Odds or Evens. The multi tasking Ladies did well by taking 5 of the top 10 spots, so well done Jackie, Rosie, Clare, Dorothy and Amanda. However Neil once again showed his good recent form by taking top spot. Well done to Brian H who without the handicap recorded the best time and collected all the controls (could be a dark horse in the parkrun challenge on Saturday). Further down the pecking order Kate and Pat had exactly the same times and numbers of controls collected - so interesting competition all around. Next week we return to Old Town Hull, where Neil will be favourite again where he has mapped the area and planned on the area but has rarely run on the area.
Thanks to Colin, David, Mike B, Neil and Peter H for kite collecting