A very big thank you to Wayne who planned exceptional courses within a 1/6 of a kilometre square for the pleasure of those stalwarts who dared risk the weather. I must admit I was an administrative whimp cancelling my entry once I saw the elements outside the warm 'Newby Centre' 20 degrees central heating.

We had complex descriptions of how it was to run in a snow storm. 'White-out' was the best explanation. Switch off the headlamp was a good strategy - use the white of the 'flakes' to guide you!

It was a great evening seeing competitors who were not phased by a bit of 'extreme weather'. It came at about 6.30 when most were out on Wayne's courses which were quite testing. Mary V. said it had 'lightened' on her first course. All took the weather in their stride - I salute you.

James Drewery from the North Bank, and an avid attender of Niel Harvatt's Monday Coaching sessions at Longcroft School, Molescroft, Beverley, tackled the courses with Gustow. A wooded control site gave him a 5 minute loss of time. time to re-map it perhaps, which I will do a.s.a.p.

The Newby Centre gave us a lovely warm assembley area. Toilets and changing facilities and a chance for us whimps to socialise.

Well done to DJ; DO; Psi who headed the results. All Podiums - for some a first.

Thanks to the collectors DJ; PSi & PSi; Wayne; Harriet and BS (gosh it was wet and Cold).